Chemistry Lab
Physics Lab
Biology Lab
Computer Lab
Music & Dance Room
Art & Craft Room
Smart Classroom
Play Station
Physical development is an important aspect of overall development of the child, for which we provide a fully fenced outdoor PlayStation equipped with many swings, ball zone seesaw and much more.
Composite Lab
Laboratories constitute an essential element of an educational institution's infrastructure.The composite Sciene lab is where our students learn about sciencein a hands-on environment. The lab houses a variety of equipment used by Primary and Middle School students, combiningelements from all three Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratoriesinto a single room. Students are encouraged to explore a new world of science aroubd them under the guidance and supervision of the Science faculty.The Composite Lab provides students in grades 4 to 8 with facilities and opportunity to conduct experiments and activities in all science courses. the lab is fully equipped with devices required by the curriculum and can handle more than 35 students at once. By adopting the idea of learning by doing, students have an equal chance to develop their scientific abilities and interests.
Nursery Wing